What’s next? Funding and touring – hopefully!
Tweethearts, 2018 has been utterly AMAZING so far. Travelling History Show at LSE Massive thanks goes to Jan-Willem Van Bosch who has been working with me as Director and Dramaturg. Together, we have been reshaping my material and improving my performance. We’ve been working on the pilot version of the Queer People’s History Show which I […]
Merry Christmas from Birdie and family!
Audio description by Fraulein von Marguerite Schadenfreude Tweethearts, Christmas is indeed a time for families so I thought you’d all like nothing better than to gaze upon this image of the family serenely glowing in their humble sense of superiority! Audio description Marguerite Schadenfreude aka Michael Atchman has lovingly crafted an audio described version to delight […]
Meet Trixie Macushla, the People’s Puppy

On November 20th 2016 I adopted a little rescue dog from Romania called Trixie Macushla. My website is an empty shell without mention of her. This is the first of many. From kill shelter to People’s Puppy Trixie is without doubt the queen of all our hearts. Trixie on Youtube Here she is having […]
Welcome back to my website!
Tweethearts, Over the last few weeks I’ve really found my mojo for improving my website and sharing some of the info and documentation from previous shows. Where’s the decorating gone? I’ve had to strip back the gorgeous design of the old website for the time being. It will be coming back though. Watch this undecorated […]